Foundry is one of the oldest industry known to mankind. This involves melting of the metals and pouring the same in the sand mould. The sand mould is then broken and parts retrieved are called as casting. These casting are then cut and machined to form a finished part. The parts which cannot be generally fabricated or forged or just machine is casted. When the mould is made, there are paths created to pour the metal to form one large or multiple casting, these are called as “Runners”. The molten metal first fills up the desired shape and the excess material rise over the parts which is called as “Riser”. The Runner & Riser are primarily excess material which is to be removed by cutting operation like sawing, gouging or cutting using plasma.
Our Placut air cooled and water-cooled Plasma series form the essential solution to the foundry industry. The gouging function comes handy when there are large diameter runners or rises to be first gouged to reduce the diameter & then they are easily cut. In case normal investment casting, there are tens & hundreds of castings which are made in the moulds simultaneously. Initially they used to be gouged using welding electrodes or carbon arc gouging. It had limitation of frequent stoppages and change of the electrodes. To overcome the problem our arc is generated at a press of button and available for very long duration which in tern helps in many such casting excesses to be cut.

Typical Applications
- Cutting of investment casting runner & riser.
- Cutting of large size casting excess part.
- Gouging out large diameters casting excess metal
- Gouging out excess parts, casting defects
Application Images